Tooth Decay | Cavities

Preserve Smiles, Combat Decay: Nurturing Healthy Habits for Lifelong Dental Wellness

Early Childhood tooth decay, commonly known as Baby Bottle Decay, poses a significant threat when a child goes to bed with a bottle of milk, formula, or juice. The prolonged contact of sugar in these substances with the teeth throughout the night accelerates decay, putting dental health at risk.

Tips to Safeguard Against Early Childhood Tooth Decay:

  1. Avoid bedtime bottles; opt for water instead.
  2. Limit the use of bottles or sippy cups with juice to meal or snack times.
  3. Instill cup-drinking habits early in your child’s routine.
  4. Steer clear of dipping your child’s pacifier in honey or sugar.
  5. Initiate gentle brushing as soon as your child’s teeth appear, using a soft, age-appropriate toothbrush or cloth.
  6. Choose fluoride toothpaste for brushing; for children under 2, use a “grain of rice” size, and for those who can reliably “spit out,” use a “pea” size twice daily.
  7. Provide assistance with brushing until children can fully manage it themselves, usually around 7-8 years old.

Preserving smiles and combating decay begins with cultivating these healthy habits early on, ensuring a foundation for lifelong dental wellness.

Bright Smiles, Strong Foundations: Tackling Child Cavities with Gentle Precision

While we strive to prevent cavities, we recognize that they may still develop on children’s teeth. It’s crucial to debunk the misconception that cavities in baby teeth can be ignored. Dental treatment is necessary, especially if the affected tooth won’t naturally fall out soon. The final baby tooth typically exfoliates around 11-12 years of age. Depending on when the cavity arises and the tooth’s expected exfoliation, untreated decay can lead to pain and infection.

Moreover, the repercussions of untreated cavities extend beyond discomfort. Early loss of baby teeth can disrupt normal function, cause teeth to shift, and even impact the positioning of permanent teeth. At Smile Arc Pediatric Dentistry, our mission is to empower our young patients to lead healthy, pain-free lives. We only recommend necessary treatments, ensuring strong foundations for their oral health.