Newborn | Infant Care

Nurturing Your Little One's Smile from the Start

Ensuring your newborn or infant enjoys a healthy and radiant smile starts with understanding and implementing proper oral care practices. Here’s a glimpse into newborn and infant dental care.

Your Child’s First Dentist Visit: Schedule a visit within six months of the first tooth eruption, typically around their first birthday. Early visits help identify and address potential oral health issues, setting the foundation for a lifetime of healthy smiles.

Setting a Positive Example: Children learn by mimicking adults. Establish a routine of daily brushing and flossing, encouraging your child to participate when they show interest. Make brushing enjoyable with flavored toothpaste, character-themed toothbrushes, or singing songs about brushing.

Teething and Grinding: Teething usually occurs between six months and age 2. Provide relief with chilled teething rings or spoons and gently rub your baby’s gums with a clean finger. Grinding is common and usually resolves with the arrival of permanent teeth. If it persists, a night guard may be recommended to protect permanent teeth from wear.

Smile Arc Pediatric Dentistry ensures your child’s journey to a healthy, cavity-free smile begins with the right care and positive habits from the very start.