Orthodontic Screening

Smile Harmony Starts at Seven: Expert Orthodontic Screening for Your Child's Future Grin

At what age should a child have their first orthodontic visit?

The American Association of Orthodontists suggests that most children should undergo an orthodontic screening by the age of 7. This allows Dr. Nikki Shafiei to assess whether orthodontic treatment is necessary and determine the optimal time for intervention. Many community dentists are trained to identify orthodontic concerns early on and may refer you to our clinic before the age of 7.

Why the early evaluation?

Early diagnosis and treatment can guide developing teeth into more favorable positions, reserve space for permanent teeth, and decrease the likelihood of front teeth protrusion fractures.

In instances where early treatment is recommended, Dr. Nikki Shafiei can influence jaw growth and the positioning of incoming permanent teeth. This early intervention can also regulate the width of upper and lower dental arches, create space for permanent teeth, eliminate the need for permanent tooth extractions, reduce the chances of impacted permanent teeth, address thumb-sucking concerns, and correct abnormal swallowing or speech problems. Essentially, early treatment simplifies later procedures, once all permanent teeth have emerged.

Is early treatment suitable for all children?

Early treatment may not be universally beneficial. Some orthodontic issues can be more effectively addressed during the teenage years when all permanent teeth are in place. Certain skeletal orthodontic problems might require treatment during advanced or completed growth stages. Dr. Nikki Shafiei create individualized treatment plans based on each child’s specific needs. If it’s determined that a patient isn’t ready for treatment, they enter our Orthodontic Supervisory Program.

What is the Orthodontic Supervisory Program?

This program is designed for patients not yet ready for treatment and placed on recall. It enables us to monitor the eruptive pattern of permanent teeth. Early removal of baby teeth may eliminate poorly erupted patterns, reducing the time needed for braces. We communicate any recommendations to your general dentist, and patients on recall are typically seen every 6-8 months to track progress. This program is complimentary and aids the orthodontist in determining the optimal time to commence treatment for the best possible outcome.

Beyond a radiant smile, what are the additional benefits of orthodontic treatment? Braces enhance bite and teeth functionality, facilitate easier teeth cleaning, prevent wear and tear, and contribute to the longevity of natural teeth throughout a lifetime.

Beyond a radiant smile, what are the additional benefits of orthodontic treatment?

Braces enhance bite and teeth functionality, facilitate easier teeth cleaning, prevent wear and tear, and contribute to the longevity of natural teeth throughout a lifetime.

If a child undergoes early treatment, can it prevent the need for braces as an adolescent?

Early treatment can address significant problems, prevent the development of more severe issues, and streamline future treatment. While the alignment of all permanent teeth may not be fully corrected during early intervention, a comprehensive phase of treatment with full braces (Phase II) in the teen years typically completes the correction. However, in certain situations, further orthodontic treatment may not be necessary.

Is it necessary to continue seeing our family dentist during orthodontic treatment?

Yes, patients with braces and other orthodontic appliances require extra effort to maintain dental hygiene. To ensure the highest level of dental health, we recommend regular check-ups and cleanings every six months with your family dentist during orthodontic treatment.